1.1 Background to this Privacy Policy
Uber Workforce Pty Ltd ABN 53 606 050 908 (we/us/First2Click Schools) takes the issue of personal privacy seriously.
Through this web site, there will be the collection of personal information that relates to users, including you, who access this web site.
Any terms that are underlined in this document are defined in the Terms and Conditions Governing Access to the RCE. Click here to peruse the terms and conditions governing access to the RCE.
For further information concerning the terms and conditions governing the access by you to the RCE then please read the Terms and Conditions Governing Access to the RCE.
This privacy policy applies to your permitted access to this website and the First2Click System and as regards to any personal information that may be collected or provided by you during or as a result of your access to this website.
This privacy policy has been published to provide to you a clear and concise outline of how and when personal information is collected via this website, stored and used by us.
We are committed to protecting user privacy including your privacy. We understand that F2C Participants are concerned about their privacy, and the confidentiality and security of any information that is provided.
1.2 Information collected
When you visit this website or app, our web measurement tool and Internet Service Providers record anonymous information for statistical purposes only, including:
the type of browser, computer or phone platform and screen resolution you are using
your traffic patterns through our site such as:
the date and time of your visit to the site;
the pages you accessed and documents downloaded;
the previous page you visited prior to accessing our site;
the Internet address of the server accessing our site;
what activities you actioned whilst access the RCE.
As you will appreciate in order to provide the services available via the RCE it is necessary to at all times identify you but we will not to use or disclose your personal information to unauthorised third parties except where required under a law, for example, a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our service providers' logs.
You acknowledge that you may be required to provide certain Personal Information, which may be utilised and accessed by school staff in the course of their normal employment.
In collecting any Personal Information about you, we will comply with the Queensland Department of Education Personal Information Guidelines. In allowing access to school staff you acknowledge that we do not control their actions and as such we cannot be held accountable if school staff fail to abide by the legal obligations in dealing with your Personal Information.
1.3 Email
This is a Queensland Government authorised website or app. Email correspondence from this website will be treated as a public record and will be retained as required by the Public Records Act 2002.
We will collect and handle your Personal Information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. We will not use your Personal Information to compile a mailing list or for marketing purposes.
Our Internet Service Provider may monitor email traffic for system trouble shooting and maintenance purposes only.
1.4 Security
This site may contain links to non-Queensland Government websites. Neither First2Click Schools nor the Queensland Government is responsible for the privacy or security practices or the content of such websites.
Changes to this Policy
We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy from time to time for any reason. We will accordingly make those changes and display those changes on this website. This privacy statement was last amended on 17th July 2015.
Contact us about privacy
If you would like to contact us as regards to anything concerning this privacy policy, or if you think that we have breached any aspect of this privacy policy, then please contact us by:
E-mail: info@first2clickschools.com.au